வியாழன், ஜூலை 12, 2012


Kindly Ignore

A News has been spread throughout Tamilnadu that the Circle Secretary of Chennai has invoked the name of our Tamilnadu Circle Secretary in their meeting held on 6th July’12 questioning the placing of Com A B Bardhan’s TU Lecture Notes in TN website and abused our Circle Secretary by calling Caste aspersion as Parppann (a derogatory term for Brahmin). Comrades started enquiring the said / alleged affair.

One of our Senior Comrade (Outside Chennai and Tamilnadu Circle), hearing the same verified the veracity of that affair. With great organizational interest, Our Senior Comrade voluntarily conveyed to Tamilnadu Circle Secretary that Chennai Circle secretary denied any such speech /such meeting.

Moreover, whenever TN CS and Chennai CS share joint platform, no disrespect was shown by each other and even if any differences, both expressed the same in a dignified way only.

As far as TN CS is concerned, he acts only on issue basis in TU related matters and never acts on the basis of whims and fancies or on the basis of fear or favour.

No more enquiry on this matter is solicited.

கருத்துகள் இல்லை:
