வியாழன், மே 14, 2015

National Council meeting - a brief.

National Council meeting  - a brief.

The 32nd National Council meeting was held today. Shri A.N.Rai, Director (HR) presided over the meeting. Smt Sujata Ray, ED(F) and  Dir (HR) designate has also particiapated. In his address, Shri A.N.Rai spoke about the precarious financial condition of BSNL and  pointed out that operative losses will result in danger to the organisation. To avoid operative losses, he wanted the Staff to put in their best efforts to increase 10% revenue.  He said Govt may give Rs.3000 crores this year. He also said that the recent night free tariff scheme may result in a revenue dip of 5%, unless otherwise compensated by increased  DELs, etc.

Smt Sujata Ray, ED(F),  in her address said there is nothing to worry at present. She said that Finance and HR problems are interlinked. She also said that while Management has a parental mindset, Staff should have some sacrificing mindset. She pointed out that Committees formed to address Staff issues should not prolong forever to give their reports/decisions as that would demoralise Employees.  

Staff Side Leader Com.Islam in his opening remarks expressed his anguish over delay in conduct of meetings. He told that Staff are ready to co-operate but shortage of materials is a problem. He also spoke about issues of Non Executives like non finalisation of JTO RR & JAO RR, Wage Erosion, Stagnation, ERP related problems, payment of Minimum PLI, relaxation for SC/ST candidates, etc. He wanted the Management not to be vindictive towards those who have participated in the April Strike as the demands were only for betterment of BSNL. He asked for a suitable accommodation to NFTE. He also wanted following of a uniform procedure in dealing with Court cases.

After the address by Secretary, Staff Side, Com P.Abimanyu, items in the Agenda were taken up for discussion.

1.      Relaxed standards for SC/ST candidates in LDCEs conducted/results declared between 22.7.97 and 8.9.2000:   Formal letter addressed to DOPT seeking guidelines. Issue will be addressed on getting a reply.           
2.      Pension to DOT absorbed employees vis-à-vis withdrawal of 60:40 DOT orders:  Taking all the input from the Staff Side, resentment shown in the National Council it has been told that a letter will be sent to DOT justifying the BSNL position on this issue. It appears that the Member (Fin), DOT is also positive on this issue.
3.      Reviewing of BSNLMRS: Staff Side sought appointment of a Committee to review BSNLMRS. ED (F) replied that there should be a definite terms of reference. It was agreed to examine the demand.     
4.      Presidential orders in r/o TSMs who have been appointed as TMs after 30.9.2000: Till date, about 60 cases have been received from Circles. They will be sent to DOT for issue of POs.
5.      Formation of Works Committee in Circle and All India level: Will be examined.
6.      Stagnation issues  &
7.      Aberrations in Pay fixation due to NEPP:  About 16000 such cases have been brought to notice, bulk of which is in NE3 scale. Though it is not possible to change the scale, other means like the rules quoted by the Staff Side will be examined to settle the cases.
8.      Inclusion of Women members from Union side in Complaint Committees for prevention of harassment of Women employees in work places:  Difficulty was expressed in making such inclusion as there are codified rules on the subject. 
9.      Provision of Rs.200 SIM to BSNL employees posted in MTNL area and Off-net calls: This will be discussed in the Management Committee.
10. Laying of Undersea cable linking A&N with mainland:  Additional bandwidth through new satellites will be bought and augmented.   
11. Special recruitment in NE cadres for A&N islands : Necessity will be examined, especially for the  TTA cadre.
12. Payment of HRA to dependent stations falling with in 8 KMs of a city/Town: Central Government Rules on the subject are being followed.
13. Utilisation of vacant Staff Quarters: Trying for maximum monetisation.
14. Social security and other facilities to BSNL staff deployed in Naxal areas: Will be examined.

TTA போட்டி தேர்வு

 TTA போட்டி  தேர்வு 

TTA போட்டி  தேர்வுக்கான  தகுதி படைத்த 131   ஊழியர்களின்  பட்டியல்  ,அனுமதி  மறுக்கப் பட்ட  98 ஊழியர்களின்  பட்டியலை  நிர்வாகம்  
வெளியிட்டுள்ளது .தேவையான கல்வித்தகுதி, சேவை, வயது 01/07/2014 அன்று  இல்லை  என காரணம்  காட்டி  மறுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

/TTA list